
See also: get, set





A keyboard shortcut for the GUI to open a shell into the primary instance.

Allowed values

A single case-insensitive sequence of keys, containing:

  • zero or more modifiers (e.g. Ctrl, Alt, Cmd, Command, Opt, etc.)
  • one non-modifier key (e.g. u, 4, ., Space, Tab, Pause, F3). When key names have multiple words, quote and use spaces (e.g. "Print Screen").
  • [On macOS] alternatively, utf-8 characters for mac keys (e.g. ⌘, ⌥, ⇧, ⌃)
  • A plus (+) sign separating each alphabetic word (but not key symbols) from the next
  • The empty string (""), to disable the hotkey.


  • There are some limitations on what keys and combinations are supported, depending on multiple factors such as keyboard, mapping, and OS (e.g. AltGr, numpad, or media keys may or may not work; shift+enter is rejected).
  • Some combinations may be grabbed by the OS before they reach multipass (e.g. meta+a may open the Applications, ctrl+alt+f3 may move ttys).


  • multipass set client.gui.hotkey="Ctrl+Print Screen".
  • multipass set client.gui.hotkey="⌃⇧Y".
  • multipass set client.gui.hotkey=option+space.
  • multipass set client.gui.hotkey=""


  • Ctrl+Alt+U on Linux and Windows
  • ⌥⌘U on macOS

Last updated 2 months ago.